Life expectancy has steadily increased for over two centuries, driven by advancements in technology and medical science, while birth rates have consistently declined. The confluence of these trends has resulted in a progressively aging population, …
The Benefits of Utilizing Augmented Reality as a Tool for Assessments
In means of improving the accessibility of performing home assessments, we have developed a novel set of augmented reality (AR) tools. To test the impact of these tools, a user study was run that compares …
Utilizing AR as a Tool for Assessing Accessibility in the Home
Home modification interventions can remedy deficiencies in the home environments of the growing number of older adults that want to age in place. Unfortunately, performing an assessment of a home environment is a difficult process, …
Evaluating the Acceptability and Appropriateness of the Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT): Qualitative Descriptive Study
Background The Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT) is a mobile app developed to provide rapid, highly accurate assessments of the home environment. It uses 3D-capture technologies to help people identify and address functional limitations …
Development of the Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT): A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Access to home assessments that support aging in place can be challenging. This research study will present an augmented reality home assessment tool (ARHAT) and findings from focus groups with diverse stakeholders, including OT practitioners, …
Toward Understanding Everyday Lives of Older Adults: A Methodological Exploration
Background and Objectives Emerging trends in aging in place and increasing needs for home health care highlight the importance of researching older adults’ daily lives as they unfold within their residential environments. However, studies that …
Locating Community-Based Comprehensive Service Facilities for Older Adults Using the GIS-NEMA Method in Harbin, China
Local governments and scholars in China have recently proposed and developed community-based comprehensive service facilities for older adults in response to population aging and greater service needs of older adults in urban areas. This study proposes a …
Listen to the Elders: Design Guidelines for Affordable Multifamily Housing for the Elderly Based on Their Experiences
There is an increasing demand for affordable multifamily housing for a rapidly growing population of ethnic elders. Using the lived experiences of Korean American elders currently residing in affordable housing in the Midwest as one …
Declining body, institutional life, and making home-are they at odds? The lived experiences of moving through staged care in long-term care settings
This study examines elderly residential life in long-term care settings, focusing on the ways residents interact with their physical and social environments. It further proposes that the residential environment is an important player for everyday …
The residential choices of ethnic elders in affordable housing: Changing intergenerational relationships and the pursuit of residential independence
This study examines the housing choices and residential experiences of ethnic minority elders in affordable senior housing in a large metropolitan area by using a life course perspective in the context of community life. Using …