Locating Community-Based Comprehensive Service Facilities for Older Adults Using the GIS-NEMA Method in Harbin, China

Local governments and scholars in China have recently proposed and developed community-based comprehensive service facilities for older adults in response to population aging and greater service needs of older adults in urban areas. This study proposes a …

Declining body, institutional life, and making home-are they at odds? The lived experiences of moving through staged care in long-term care settings

This study examines elderly residential life in long-term care settings, focusing on the ways residents interact with their physical and social environments. It further proposes that the residential environment is an important player for everyday …

The residential choices of ethnic elders in affordable housing: Changing intergenerational relationships and the pursuit of residential independence

This study examines the housing choices and residential experiences of ethnic minority elders in affordable senior housing in a large metropolitan area by using a life course perspective in the context of community life. Using …